28-April-2021: Successful roll-out of Bourne Ready

Following the successful roll-out of the Bourne Group pre-enrolment online system ‘Bourne Ready’ in 2020, the system continues to be effective in supporting individual’s health, safety and wellbeing and has now been utilised for over 12 months. Within this time over 1,000 individuals have completed an online induction tailored to their job role with almost 100 different suppliers invited to register on the system.

Key system advances have also been achieved allowing the platform to grow and develop – these include a reporting tool that has been introduced supporting the management of health risk data and a bespoke observation tool developed to record safe and unsafe practices.

Bourne Group HSE Manager, Dan Morphew commented, “Bourne Ready has provided an online platform that has allowed us to continually support the health, safety and wellbeing of all personnel working for or on behalf of the Bourne Group. Future developments have already been scheduled that will allow us to expand on the excellent work that has already been achieved.”