Hayward Heath Station Car Park

Haywards Heath Station Car Park


Market Sector: Parking

Client: Solum Regeneration

Engineer: Bourne Engineering

Main Contractor: Bourne Parking

The construction of this carpark was on a live, congested rail station site with continual public movements, both vehicular and pedestrian. To maximise the available spaces during construction Bourne Parking split the construction into three phases. The site is within close proximity to a live rail line and as a result we worked with Network Rail to create detailed sets of RAMS for the various elements of construction. We hold a Network Rail Principal Contractors License, which was issued to Bourne based on our proven track record of delivering successful projects in challenging live Rail environments.

Bourne Parking has provided a total of 1,059 parking spaces covering the ground and three suspended deck levels which were constructed using a steel frame and our ‘Montex’ floor system. Also included with the 769 suspended spaces is an internal access ramp, lighting, access stairs, deck and surface drainage and major external associated works.